Wednesday, April 27, 2011

life =

just because life never turns out the way you dream it, you're still here and its always important to look at the upside of things and if its that bad ... move on with no thought of going back... but never say never because whatever you seek god can give it to you in heat and you'll try and give it back but now is yours to keep, your lifestyle is your choice knowone else's, you're you and there's not another soul on this earth like you, you've seen the light walked away and came back, but the question is... is this it? the thoughts you've envision will they come tru? fast or slow? only time will tell...the time, the effort, the practice needs to be key, no slacking because in this life you just really cant drag your feet, this is your chance and knowone is holding you back but yourself.....words of wisdom, wise man said once lets his mouth run he'll slip up, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, real recognize real, life is real and theres no time to spectate , determine your goals and stay on top on them and you will get in return the needs and wants of life that you at this point you have earned....chin up, eyes open, pay attention and become the person YOU were born to be, a new life story starting! go.

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